Trophy Treinamentos

About us

Trophy Treinamentos (RTI Center — Rescue Training International) is a South American based company authorized to offer trainings certificated by the National Safety Council (NSC), founded in the USA in 1913.

Our mission:

To provide knowledge in order to save lives.

Train your team in Brazil with the NSC - National Safety Council's certification:

If your company is located in Africa, Asia, Australia/Pacific, Caribbean, Europe, Central/South America, Middle East or North America and has branches in Brazil (South America), give your employees courses certificated by the NSC. High quality and standardization through NSC educational content. Click here and download the list to see where NSC offers training in more than 100 countries and territories.

Learn how this mother used CPR to save her daughter's life. It's a matter of seconds. It's a matter of how quickly you can respond.